
What if?

I'm curious to know if the same gigantic celebrations would be happening tomorrow if we had elected a black conservative president instead of a black liberal president. Would Hollywood show up by the masses to support the first ever black President? Would the civil rights leaders embrace him, even though his political views were different than theirs? I wish I could say the answer is yes, but I'm not so sure.
Condi Rice reached the highest position in government ever for a black woman and barely a word was ever mentioned about her success or the possibilities it opened up for other black women behind her. Clarence Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court and people didn't raise him up as a black man that accomplished so much -- they actually turned against him because of his conservative views.
This is very puzzling to me, and also sad. I guess it's the same for the women's movement. Normally, they only get behind women that think exactly the way the movement wants them to think and believe. How very, very sad. I find it even degrading. In truth, if women have to think the way someone tells them to think, that's not liberation. That's just another form of bondage with a change in masters. The same can be said for the black community. If the community at large doesn't allow room for views that are different than the traditional black views, how is that freedom or equality? It's not. Dare I say that's it even another form of slavery, the idea that a black person should only believe one way about politics or culture?
I didn't vote for Obama, but I do wish him well and I will pray for him as the leader of our great country. I will pray that he finds much success -- success the way God would define it. May God continue to bless us as a nation and may we respond to His goodness and grace.

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