
Crazy Love - Overwhelmed by a Relentess God by Francis Chan

I picked up this book after reading a review by Deena on her blog http://deenasbooks.blogspot.com/.

I began reading this book and had trouble putting it down. It's blunt and to the point, but so truthful. I felt compelled to look at my own life differently than I have ever done and to make some tough decisions. As Christians, we get so busy with life that it's easy to forget what's important to God. Even the business of our churches can easily distract us from our true mission - to love. To love the unlovable, the ungrateful, the helpless, the untouchables, the prideful, and even the people that seem to have it all so perfectly together. Love is an action word, so just talking about loving people is not enough. If we truly want to be followers of Christ, we must love and we must do it in a big way - love in a way that the world would say is crazy. Crazy Love.
Highly recommended!

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